I have been practicing dental hygiene for the past 25 years working in a private dental office part time and owning my own mobile dental hygiene practice. When the pandemic hit, I was one of the millions left unemployed. The dental profession was deemed non-essential and we needed to stop working to help prevent a shortage of personal protective gear. As time went on and the pandemic worsened, the dental hygiene profession was identified as the highest risk occupation. I knew at that time, life working in the dental profession had changed.
The addition of wearing a protective gown, face shield, N95 mask, and hair covering was going be a challenge. The hardest change for me was knowing I was going to have to wear isolation gowns that I was extremely sensitive to. As soon as I donned the paper thin fiber gown, my eyes would burn creating a stream of water and mascara cascading down my face, and my skin would itch. I knew I had some type of allergy to the fibers and did not and could not get through a day of wearing this type of protective gear. In addition, I did not want to look so industrial when I treated my special needs clients.
So, this is where my dad’s engineering genes came to surface. I began to think about what I wanted in a protective gown. I knew protection and comfort were priority. I also wanted a gown that was easy to don and doff and not have to twist my shoulders behind me to tie all the straps. And one that would not choke me, pop buttons, or hike up my pant leg when I sat down. I developed several prototypes and I learned to use an overlock sewing machine that was set up in my garage. Three days later, I had my first functional gown ready for work. After several design alterations with my mom’s assistance and sewing skills, OK Kreations was established providing the healthcare industry with a new design in protective gowns.
We hope you enjoy your shopping experience and we hope you feel protected, fashionable, and comfortable while providing your patients with a mindful and relaxing appointment.
Brenda and Ella