Durable Water Repellent Fashionable Scrub Gown

OKKreation’s DWR Fashionable Scrub Gown contains strong similarities to a Level 1 non-medical device gown.  Providing minimal to low fluid protection suitable for procedures that produce small to medium amounts of fluid. The gowns have been treated with an industrial strength durable water repellant to provide necessary protection and confidence. Even after 20 washes, the gowns are like new. The protective gown can be washed following the laundering instructions carefully to maintain the protectiveness of the gown. A unique and cost effective feature of OKKreation’s DWR Fashionable Scrub Gown, is that it can be retreated with the industrial strength DWR.  In addition, the gown is made of a cotton polyester blend making it breathable and comfortable even after treatment. OKKreation’s DWR Fashionable Scrub Gown was designed and manufactured to protect the provider and the environment.   

“Retreat your gown for continued protection”

Contact Luis at Bajios Dye House for quote on retreatment.

Cell: 323 423 6932 Address: 1851 Randolph Ave Los Angeles, CA 90001